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Frequently Asked Questions

Category | Opportunities

When do I get opportunities every day?

Goonder will send a push notification to your cell phone whenever there are new opportunities for you. Typically they'll arrive shortly after the closing of the markets, which are grouped in four batches: Asia Pacific; Central Asia and the Middle East; Europe and Africa; and America.

How else can I see my opportunities?

On the main screen, under Your Daily Opportiunities – Stocks, click on the button "Check now" any time to check if there are any opportunities available.

What are the main elements of every opportunity?

From top to bottom, and from left to right, the items that appear on each opportunity file are the following: 

-Activity sector.
-Name of the company.

-Market code in which the stock is / Ticker or stock code. 

-Company description. 

-Buy at: Execution point of purchase or IN. 
-Target return: which goes from the point of purchase or IN to the sale by take profit or OUT. 

-Stop loss: Execution point of sale by cut of loss or STOP.

The time execution point is not included in the card, but it's the same for all opportunities: if 9 days go by since you accept the opportunity and it hasn't got to any of the selling execution points, a sale order will automatically be sent, to be executed at market price at the opening of the following trading session. (See "How is the execution of your orders" for more details).

How do I accept or reject each opportunity

Click in the buttons at the bottom of the screen (DISMISS / ACCEPT), or just swipe right to accept, or left to dismiss.